Sunday, January 25, 2009

Why OddOneOut?

This should have been my first blog I guess, but seeing as this is a recent revision of the blog title I am now only just explaining myself. Enough of the excuses for my topsy turvy blog it after all by nature a non linear story! OddOneOut is the name of the design company that I am creating, my design company. All that I have learnt up until now will go into this blog and my company. There will also be some new stuff too of course and these posts will be a reflection of both. As business is all about people the things I am talking about are equally applicable to individuals, charitable organisations, governments and socities. I am obviously most interested in business because just like everyone I need to earn a living.

At the centre of every 'good' business there are a core of guiding principles or values. There is another ingredient that brings these values to life and that is passion. Passion equals enthusiasm and energy. It motivates people into action and it is what you call upon when things get tough. I want to work with people that are passionate about what they do. Businesses that place the value of people at their core. Those that believe that it is not only money that makes the world go round but people and the 4 elementary forces of nature of course!

What OddOneOut will look and feel like is a little fuzzy at this point. But I hope that this blog will chart my progress and help to create a recognisible shape. It is of course also a blog of self discovery since OddOneOut is a reflection of my core values and an expression of my passion. I believe that design can help those that have a passion communicate it. Very simply put I believe that good design communicates that passion.

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